Creating Community
Through Simple Hospitality
Secrets Savored
About Secrets Savored
Once a week, women across generations meet in a home setting to consider both Biblical principles for living a godly life and practical skills for managing a home. This blending of generations serves to create a sweet bond.
The Bible study inspires a deeper faith walk and the development of a Christ-like character. The practical, hands-on instruction consisting of the secrets gleaned from years of experience in home management and hospitality by the older women is an invaluable help to any busy young woman.
To discover the treasure of community, join a Secrets Savored group.
These older women must train the younger women to love their husbands and their children, to live wisely and be pure, to work in their homes, to do good, and to be submissive to their husbands.
Titus 2:3-4
Hear testimonials from women who have taken our courses.
About Dianne
Dianne Dougharty is the founder of Secrets Savored Ministries. She has intentionally poured her life into countless young women, exemplifying the Titus 2 woman. Her passion to see older women fulfill the Titus 2 Biblical mandate by teaching young women to become seekers of Christ, who embrace the call to home and family, fueled the development of the curriculum and the establishment of the Secrets Savored ministry. In the Fall of 2009, the first Secrets community group began in Memphis, Tennessee, and have multiplied to numerous groups around the country.
During the founding of this ministry, Dianne and her late husband, Mark, were on journey as he battled with a terminal illness, Multiple Systems Atrophy. Through the years of Mark’s illness and since his passing, Dianne has gleaned a wealth of wisdom to share with young women in the midst of her journey. Dianne is the mother of two daughters and the Mimi to seven grandchildren. She is a graduate of Trevecca Nazarene University with a degree in Elementary Education. A Bible teacher, conference speaker, author, and mentor, she seeks to glorify the Lord in each assignment.
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Seeking Him
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