Kirby Woods Baptist Church is in its second semester of the Secrets Savored Ministry. We knew this ministry would be a great tool to bridge the generations, and it has been.
A team of four mentors currently meets with a group of eight young married women in a mentor’s home. The Secrets Savored ministry has provided the mentors with an avenue of sharing what they have learned from the Word of God, and how they have applied it through the years in their marriages and their homes. In a world that often devalues the Word of God and how it applies to marriage, family, and home, this ministry has been truly refreshing to our group in reinforcing Christian values and the importance of the home and family.
The practical information and devotional lessons provided within the support material have been well received by our participants. The twelve ladies involved in the weekly meetings share a common bond and have developed close relationships. We have felt God’s hand on our group as we have met each week. One of the sweetest things God has done for this group is to bring a non-believer to our meetings. The material and the environment we meet in, has proven to be non-threatening to the unsaved. It is the prayer of this group to share, with saved and unsaved young ladies, the love of Jesus Christ, while sharing practical tips for having a Christ-centered home. The Secrets Savored Ministry has been a blessing to all involved at Kirby Woods Baptist.