An hour and a half and I was still on hold! I had been dropped three times! The only company that has tempted me to scream my head off and forget that I am a spirit-filled Christian is our internet and cable company- which will go unnamed, yet I have suspicions that many of you could guess and be correct because you’ve been through the same frustration! This reaction probably says more about me than them. I don’t know why this company frustrates me and drives me to what my friend says is, “the other side of myself.” Perhaps it’s because I wonder how hard it can be to provide good service; other companies seem to have mastered the ability to serve well.
It’s now twelve forty-two and I have spent two and a half hours on the phone, just to be disconnected and back to where I began! No questions answered! Nothing has been done about the bill that has doubled. Due to issues unknown to any man, our internet service has not been restored. Now, after all this time, I have to start over; certainly my life and time are more important, if not to them, at least to me! Seriously contemplating the need for cable and internet!
I love it when I get the recording that says they are experiencing technical difficulty. It’s no wonder our home systems are always having issues when a “tech” company can’t even run their own systems! This is now the only company that has driven me to tears! Is it me or them?
I was tempted to push the button for “new customers,” figuring that certainly they would give better service to a new customer. No! Not the three beeps; dropped again! Five drops in over two hours of waiting; I am really getting frustrated. Okay, so I gave in, called back and pushed the “new” customer button. The woman answered quickly and spoke English; what a relief! I confessed to her that I purposely pushed the wrong button out of frustration and a desire to settle my issue so I could get on with my day. She informed me that she would be unable to help me but could connect me with the right department. I asked if she could do that without disconnecting me. She said it must be the frigid cold temperatures causing dropped calls. I didn’t say it, but it has nothing to do with the cold; the same thing happened numerous times this past summer when attempting to get connected with this company.
I find myself examining my heart and spirit as I wait. Certainly, the customer service person living in India or Mexico is not to blame, so I want to be careful not to take out my deep frustrations on them, yet I find this entire process irritating, ridiculous, a waste of my time and totally unnecessary! How do I lovingly convey that? Perhaps this is the time to remember the bracelet that was so popular a few years back, WWJD? What would He do? Would He even bother with having cable or internet? I think not!
As I waited for a service person, I had to laugh as I listened; actually I was quite shocked at what I heard. The song was one sung by Keith Green, a Christian artist. Does God have a sense of humor or what? It was just what I needed to reel in my frustrations and remember whose I am.
Finally, after three hours, I tried the “we promise to call you back” system and amazingly enough they did! Keiera called me back and within a few minutes was able to help me with our bill that had incredibly doubled in just a month, which was ridiculous. She helped, if you can call it that; our bill is now $30 more plus taxes. Tough on the set budget! Honestly, I have to seriously question whether or not we should be spending this much money on cable television and an internet connection. WWJD?
Father, thank you for reminding me of whose I am, and who it is that I represent. Help me to keep my emotions intact and be an example of kindness and love, even when totally and completely frustrated! The fruit of the Spirit is what I am to exhibit to this world, even when my tree is seemingly being stripped bare! I desire for all my emotions to be kept under Your control. You know our budget and You will help us to know what it is we “need” and what is just a “luxury.”
“But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.” Galatians5:22
“A fool gives full vent to his anger, but a wise man (woman) keeps himself (herself) under control.” Proverbs 29:11
“My dear brothers, (sisters) take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man’s (woman’s) anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires.” James 1:19