Several years ago Mark and I purchased a chair and ottoman for the corner of our master bedroom. From the time I was first saved, I had heard that as a Christian it was vital to get up each day and spend time in Bible reading and prayer – that was, if you wanted to grow in your relationship with Christ. I felt a chair and ottoman in our room might help me to get up each morning and accomplish that. But for a year or so my quiet time was what I would call a “hit and miss” and the corner chair was empty. I found it difficult to rise early each day. I do not do early very well! I am also what many would call a Martha. Now if you are not familiar with Martha, she was the sister of Mary and their story is found in Luke 10:38-42. You can go there to read all about these two vastly different women.

Martha, unlike her sister Mary, was a busy woman around the house. In fact, Jesus said to Martha, “You are concerned about many things, but your sister Mary, she has chosen the best thing and that is spending time with Me.” Martha types, in case you do not know, rise with the intent to spend time with the Lord, but the pile of laundry has to be put in the wash, the lunches have to be packed- well you get the picture. Mary types, on the other hand, have a deep desire to sit at the Master’s feet and learn from Him. They make it a priority in their lives. I was a Martha! But, as my friend has said, “Dianne, you are a Martha with a Mary heart.”  I wanted to be like Mary, but the pull of Martha was always winning out. What was it that I needed to change in order to have a Mary heart over a Martha personality? My desires and my priorities!

Our daughter, Angela, was thirteen at the time when I began to notice her door closed early each morning with her light on. Typically, since the majority of occupants in the house were females, doors remained open most of the time. So, for her door to be closed raised my curiosity as to what she was doing. One day I asked her what it was she was doing each morning before she got ready for school. She told me that she was having her quiet time. OUCH!

Here my 13 year old was rising early each day to spend time reading her Bible and having her prayer time, and  Martha mom, well, she was either sleeping or busy in the kitchen! I will tell you, Angela is just like her dad; she does mornings well and she is very disciplined, a wonderful trait, and one that seemed to be missing in my life when it came to spending time with the Lord each day. I became very convicted through watching her rise early to prioritize the day, beginning with her quiet time. So, I prayed for God to change my desires and my priorities. I made a commitment that with the Lord’s help, I would begin to utilize my corner chair daily to meet with Him. It was not as easy as I thought it would be. I loved my sleep and the distraction of things to do was a major battle for me. ! But, slowly God began to reveal His truths and teach me from His word. My relationship with Him began to change as I spent time in my corner chair each morning. Have you ever noticed in your relationships with family and friends that the more time you spend with them, the more you get to know them, and the closer you feel to them? It is the same with our Heavenly Father- the more time we spend with Him, the better we know Him and the more we desire to be with Him.

Angela is now 35 and the mother of four children. She is still very disciplined in spending time each morning with the Lord. I think there are days when she must do as Susanna Wesley did and pull her apron over her head. When Susanna pulled that apron up, all 19 of her children knew Momma was talking with the Lord! 

Angela and her dad are still a faithful example to me as to my spending time each day in my corner chair with the Lord. Their desire and discipline have challenged me to keep on keeping on.

In my corner chair God has revealed so much of who He is to me. The corners have changed over the years, but He has not. The chair has been recovered now three times and possibly has one more coming. I have debated lately about replacing it, but cannot bring myself to part with what has been my sanctuary so many mornings – the place I have found strength for life’s trials and difficulties, the place where many tears have fallen, the place where my Heavenly Father has spoken so softly and clearly and I have been forever changed by His voice and His presence!

From  my corner chair this Martha, who has been transformed from the inside out, will share with you the words God has spoken to me about life, about stuff, and about the things that have concerned me. Won’t you join us each Friday as I share the truths and life messages revealed to me from my Heavenly Father each morning? Oh the blessings of my corner chair!
