Jesus Loves You
JESUS LOVES YOUJesus Loves You My niece, Jacquelyn, has two little girls. Her youngest, Margaret, is 4 years old. As her mommy was putting her to bed one night, Margaret asked her a question, Mommy, do you think that Santa knows that Jesus loves him? My niece assured...
Thanksgiving 2021
THANKSGIVING 2021Once again, it is the time of year when we stop to focus on the things in our lives for which we are grateful. Thanksgiving Day gives us an opportunity not only to gather with friends and family, but to reflect on the past year and to give thanks for...
secrets of the seasonsI love the different seasons we experience in Tennessee. Spring bursts forth exhibiting the colorful and inescapable beauty of creation, summer brings afternoon showers, warmer temperatures, insects, and the smell of fresh cut grass, fall...