
I began the year, 2024, attending the funeral of my sister-in-law’s mother. Oddly enough, I began this year attending the funeral…

Accelerated Life

Hurry is the great enemy of spiritual life in our day. // Dallas Willard

Goodbye January!

Here we are at the end of January 2024, and I am amazed at how quickly this month has passed. Will the year pass as quickly as these thirty-one days have or even faster? I used to hear that the older you get the faster time moves. Here I am, older, and time is definitely moving very quickly.

Christmas 2023

As you approach Christmas Day, take time to read Mary’s Song. I pray your heart will be challenged by her words of praise, acknowledgement, proclamation, recognition, pronouncement, and adoration for the One who came as a baby and died as your Savior! Praying you have a blessed Christmas and New Year!

Never Will I Leave You

NEVER WILL I LEAVE YOU I was assigned Group B of the Southwest flight that morning, which meant most of the window and aisle seats would be taken by the time I boarded. As I boarded the plane, the stewardess announced that the only seats remaining were middle seats....

Take Time

TAKE TIME Years ago, while living in Houston, Texas, we had the sweetest neighbors, Dave and Neva Nicholson. Our younger daughter, Kelly, referred to them as Mr. and Mrs. Nickian, which always made them laugh. Dave worked for the Exxon Corporation, and Neva was a...

Seeking Him

SEEKING HIM After a recent Secrets group, several of the girls and leaders were talking about cell phones and how to secure one’s privacy. We were joking about how “they,” not knowing exactly who “they” would be, are aware of everything we say, text, and email. After...