Love Him, Love Him
It was a bitter cold day, and we were huddled together in an attempt to stay warm. The bagpipes echoed in the distance soothing each soul with a rendition of Amazing Grace. In spite of the icy drizzle falling and the sadness in each of our hearts at the tragic loss of a man we all loved, there was a warmth in our midst. As the graveside service came to an end, a friend with the voice of an angel led us in singing…
Book of Remembrances
Every New Year’s Day I read back through my quiet time journal from the previous year. It takes a while, but what else does one have to do on New Year’s Day? Thanksgiving and Christmas are behind us, and the day is often quiet and still. It is a good time to sit, read, reflect, and remember.
New Year’s Day
NEW YEAR'S DAYIn her book, All the Women of the Bible, Edith Deen wrote of Mary, Though she never traveled any farther than from Palestine to Egypt, and then by donkey, her story still travels to the farthest corners of the earth. Every year during the Christmas...