
I began the year, 2024, attending the funeral of my sister-in-law’s mother. Oddly enough, I began this year attending the funeral…

Accelerated Life

Hurry is the great enemy of spiritual life in our day. // Dallas Willard

Goodbye January!

Here we are at the end of January 2024, and I am amazed at how quickly this month has passed. Will the year pass as quickly as these thirty-one days have or even faster? I used to hear that the older you get the faster time moves. Here I am, older, and time is definitely moving very quickly.

Christmas 2023

As you approach Christmas Day, take time to read Mary’s Song. I pray your heart will be challenged by her words of praise, acknowledgement, proclamation, recognition, pronouncement, and adoration for the One who came as a baby and died as your Savior! Praying you have a blessed Christmas and New Year!

New Year’s Day

NEW YEAR'S DAYIn her book, All the Women of the Bible, Edith Deen wrote of Mary, Though she never traveled any farther than from Palestine to Egypt, and then by donkey, her story still travels to the farthest corners of the earth. Every year during the Christmas...

Grateful for the Interruption

GRATEFUL FOR THE INTERRUPTIONMonday October 24th was a beautiful day, as my sister and I set out for a walk. Little did I know of the interruption to my life that was just fifty minutes away. We had arrived at the beach on Saturday with our Mom, and were looking...

His Majestic Power

My niece, Jacquelyn, and her younger daughter, Margaret, were riding in the car and listening to Christian music. The words of the song playing spoke of Jesus’ death. Margaret, who was riding in the back seat of the car suddenly said, “Wait. Wait. Jesus is dead?” Her mom thought to herself, “Oh boy, how do I explain this to a five year old so she will understand?”