The Princess that the Prince Loves
I’ve never been one to get caught up in fairy tales. Perhaps it was because we were a low income family and books were a luxury that we could not afford. So, I don’t remember my parents reading any fairy tales to me. There is one story that I do recall some details of...
You are Forgiven
I did not grow up in a family of “forgivers.” To be forgiven, you must first admit you have done something wrong, right? Well, this seemed a hard concept for my family, especially my dad. I don’t ever remember him coming to me, my mom, or any of my siblings and asking...
No! I Hold my Own Hand!
What fun, and what activity, when you have seven grandchildren for Christmas all under the age of eleven! The youngest, Lila, was well cared for with three older female cousins. The girls wanted to play with her, mother her, and protect her. Lila has two brothers and,...