
I began the year, 2024, attending the funeral of my sister-in-law’s mother. Oddly enough, I began this year attending the funeral…

Accelerated Life

Hurry is the great enemy of spiritual life in our day. // Dallas Willard

Goodbye January!

Here we are at the end of January 2024, and I am amazed at how quickly this month has passed. Will the year pass as quickly as these thirty-one days have or even faster? I used to hear that the older you get the faster time moves. Here I am, older, and time is definitely moving very quickly.

Christmas 2023

As you approach Christmas Day, take time to read Mary’s Song. I pray your heart will be challenged by her words of praise, acknowledgement, proclamation, recognition, pronouncement, and adoration for the One who came as a baby and died as your Savior! Praying you have a blessed Christmas and New Year!

Christmas 2023
Christmas 2023

As you approach Christmas Day, take time to read Mary’s Song. I pray your heart will be challenged by her words of praise, acknowledgement, proclamation, recognition, pronouncement, and adoration for the One who came as a baby and died as your Savior! Praying you have a blessed Christmas and New Year!

Words Are A Gift!
Words Are A Gift!

Perhaps this year instead of placing your gifts inside a beautifully wrapped box, you might choose to give the gift of time and written words to those you love. The value of your time and words will last a lifetime and far outweigh the monetary value of any purchased gift.