Recently, I was on my way back from a convention when my car began to have trouble ascending the hills of east Tennessee. Days prior to leaving, I had noticed some hesitation in the acceleration when taking off from a dead stop, but the check engine light was not on, so I ignored the random hesitation. That is until I was attempting to maneuver the steep Nashville street where my sister lives. With the gas pedal pressed to the floor, the car was barely moving. I knew then that there was indeed a problem. Once back in Memphis, I sought an answer to the acceleration issues. Three days later, I had my answer. The car was in desperate need of a new transmission, but unlike most cars that can have a rebuilt transmission put in, this make and model requires a brand new one built by the manufacturer, which is costly.

Because I am without a dependable car, I had to cancel my trip to visit our younger daughter and family. Upon receiving the bad news about the car, I was tempted to have a pity party; feeling sorry for myself in that I have no husband to help secure another car, I cannot see my daughter and family for Thanksgiving, and I am about to have to invest a large sum of money for a reliable car. As I was contemplating my grand pity party, the verse in 1 Thessalonians 5:18 came to mind.

In these verses, Paul tells us to give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. Over the past few years, there have been times when I wanted to debate with Paul as to the in all circumstances section of this verse. I think there should be a few exceptions here, times when we are “justified” to withhold our thanks, don’t you?

After all, did Paul really expect us to give thanks in all circumstances, especially the tragic circumstances of life, such as loss through terminal illness, divorce, a fatal car accident, job loss, the murder of a loved one, a miscarriage, or suicide? We are tempted to think, God would certainly understand and offer grace if we were unable to give thanks in these horrific times of heartache and pain. There has to be an exception to Paul’s admonishment in these verses, doesn’t there?

Now certainly a broken down car is far from any of these tragic circumstances. It is just an unexpected inconvenience. But often with the unexpected circumstances in life, like car problems, comes the temptation to complain, rather than to thank God.

In understanding Paul’s admonishment to us in verse 18 to give thanks in all circumstances, I found it helpful to look back to verses 16 and 17, where he says, Rejoice always, pray without ceasing. Our ability to give thanks in all circumstances begins with the discipline of rejoicing always and spending time in consistent, persistent, unceasing prayer.

Why rejoice always, pray without ceasing and give thanks in all circumstances—because this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. So, because this is God’s will for me in Christ Jesus, I will choose to give thanks in all circumstances, knowing that in and through each one, God is molding and shaping me into His image.

Happy Thanksgiving! 
