
This past Wednesday, we turned on the television to hear the Fox news reporter announcing that several tornadoes were headed directly toward Bethany, Oklahoma. Our ears perked up due to the fact that Mark’s siblings live in Bethany. We watched as the storm chaser...

Delete, Delete, Delete

Two years ago, my cell phone contract came up for an upgrade. Mark went to take care of it, being that I did not care in the least what I had. He, being a male, loved looking at the new phones with all their gizmos and gadgets. He called and asked if I would like...

A Tapestry

Recently we had dinner with my niece and her husband of two years. We always enjoy our time with Jessica and Luke. They are in full-time ministry, serving with Young Life Ministries in the Memphis area. As we visited over dinner and dessert, we talked about books we...

Ears to Hear

When our girls were born, I don’t remember a technician coming to the room to test their hearing before we left the hospital. I have been blessed to be in on the delivery of each of our seven grandchildren, and I was also there when the technician came to test their...

Way Too Important

I guess one thing that comes from spending five years wondering around the desert, well Memphis, is that you carry very little with you. Much of what we have collected these past forty years has been packed away in boxes the past five years. Some is stored at a...

Great is the Lord

Since we sold our home and began this incredible journey with the Lord, I have tucked my corner chair in four different corners over the past five years. As I reflect back on each of those places I realize the valuable work He has done in my life as I met with Him in...