
I was talking to our daughter a few days following this year’s family reunion; she was commenting on how she had forgotten the sense of responsibility you feel sitting in the large family circle every year as we gather for our Sunday service. We talked about those...

Each in Its Place

It was an unusually cool summer night, and the sky was so full of stars, that I had to stop and take notice of them. I marveled that God had placed each one in its own special place. We were at the lake and away from city lights; it was pitch black and God’s creation...


We’d gone down to Gore, the closest small town to the lake cabin in order to eat at a tea room called Emily’s, located in a little local antique-junk store. Mark and I ate, and then he agreed to sit and read while I browsed around. After several minutes we gathered...


It was a beautifully clear windy Oklahoma morning and unusually cool for the end of July. I decided to take advantage of the weather and go for a morning walk. I was on the last leg back to the little cabin that Mark’s parents purchased some thirty years ago, when I...


“But you didn’t tell me there would be consequences. That’s not fair!” These were the words coming from our grandson as he stood at the top of the stairs yelling down at his mommy. She responded, “Son, I told you if you did that one more time that you would be...