An Interesting Discovery

Balloons were everywhere, pink with white polka dots! It was Lila’s first birthday, and the color pink was throughout the house; a natural thing for a little girl with two older brothers. We arrived Friday night before the party on Saturday. Kelly, our daughter, had...

Holding Fast

When our daughters were just babies, they would grasp my index finger and hold fast refusing to let go. I was amazed at the strength with which they held on at such a young age. I am certain they were quite unaware of their grip and try as I would to loosen it- they...

God’s Unique Design

I was traveling with a group of women this past weekend; it’s always interesting how God so uniquely created us. Some are talkers, some listeners, some morning people, some night owls, some pear shaped, some apples, some with lots of energy and some with a need for...

Oh for Eyes to See!

I was walking with two of my friends the other day and we found ourselves laughing as we talked about the affect age is having on our eyesight. I commented that the day I turned forty my eyes began to go and it’s been downhill ever since. Between the three of...