When I was growing up, my dad had a special tradition every year on Christmas morning. Now, for you young girls, you probably will not remember a little machine called a “tape recorder.” It was long before video cameras and certainly cell phones with their picture and video recording capabilities. Each Christmas, my dad would set up the tape recorder and as we entered the living room to see what “Santa” had brought us, he pushed the record button. We have years of recordings of our little voices filled with glee and excitement as we saw for the first time what we had only dreamed of up to that point. One year, my younger brother, who was in Junior High (Known as Middle School today), was especially grateful. Late in the day that Christmas, we sat down to listen to the recording and this is what we heard, “Thank you mom, thank you dad, thank you mom, thank you dad, thank you mom, thank you dad. Well, you get the idea. We just laughed as we listened to Paul with his incredible attitude of gratitude!

Biblical examples of those with an attitude of gratitude:

  • The leper, who was thankful for being healed of leprosy. Luke 17:11-19
  • The Samaritan woman at the well who was thankful for the Living Water she received. John 4:4-42
  • Rahab, the harlot, who was thankful for the redemption she received. Joshua 2, Hebrews 11:31
  • Lazarus who was thankful for new physical life, as Jesus brought him back to life. John 11:1-45
  • The disabled woman. Luke 13:10-13
  • The daughter of the Syro-Phoenician Woman. Matthew 15:21-28
  • The woman with the issue of blood. Mark 5:21-34
  • Jairus’ daughter healed. Mark 5:21-43
  • The blind man healed. Mark 10:46-52, Luke 18:35-42
  • The deaf man who was thankful for the hearing he received. Mark 7:31-37
  • The demon possessed son whose father was thankful for him being delivered from demon possession. Mark 9:14-29
  • The widow of Nain. Luke 7:11-17
Heart Reflection…

Do you have an “Attitude of Gratitude?” In what ways is it expressed?

For years, I never really thought about all that God had done for me. I never acknowledged that all I had in the way of possessions and blessings was from Him, nor did I regularly express my gratefulness to Him for all of those things.

As a result of what we have been through the past few years, I have come to realize how blessed I am and just “Who” is the source of those blessings! During this time, I have developed a spirit of gratitude. I find that I am overwhelmingly thankful for the smaller things, such as a close parking place at the grocery store on a rainy day, as well as, the larger things, such as my salvation, which came at a very high price. I am extremely thankful for our house and a reliable car, which at one time, I thought I would never have again.

“Give thanks to the Lord for He is good.” Psalm 136:1 HCSB

Years ago after Mark and I were saved, we discovered Maranatha Music. One of the songs that melted into my heart that I have never forgotten is Give Thanks. After reading through the words of this song, make a list of all that you have to be grateful for and praise the Lord for His goodness!

Give thanks with a grateful heart

Give thanks unto the Holy One

Give thanks because He’s given Jesus Christ, His Son (repeat)

And now let the weak say, “I am strong”

Let the poor say, “I am rich

Because of what the Lord has done for us” (repeat)

Give thanks, Give thanks, Give thanks



Gracious Jehovah Jireh, my Provider, thank you for always giving me what I need and what is best for me. Help me to have eyes to see even the smallest blessings each day and thank You for them. How I desire to have an attitude of gratitude like these in Your word, who rejoiced in what You had done for them. Father, forgive me when I am complacent about all the gifts and blessings You have bestowed upon my life. May my heart be filled with gratitude. Amen.

Written on Our Hearts…

“If the church is in Christ, its initial act is always an act of thanksgiving, of returning the world to God.” Orthodox theologian Alexander Schememann