
Secrets Savored


Our Story

Once a week, women across generations meet in a home setting to consider both Biblical principles for living a godly life and practical skills for managing a home. This blending of generations serves to create a sweet bond. The Bible study inspires a deeper faith walk and the development of a Christ-like character. The practical, hands-on instruction consisting of the secrets gleaned from years of experience in home management and hospitality by the older women is an invaluable help to any busy young woman. To discover the treasure of community, join a Secrets Savored group. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I start a Secrets class in my church or in my community?
  • Utilize the free informational DVD download and personal testimonies on our web-site to introduce your church staff and the women within your church or community to the Secrets ministry.
  • You will need to secure three to four older women with a willing heart and a desire to invest in the lives of young women.
  • You will need a group of young women who desire to be discipled by older women and have them commit to joining a Secrets small group.
  • Purchase the Secrets Savored Book One Leader Guide for each leader. The Guide is complete with lesson plans for eight to ten weeks of instruction. Note: There are four books of curriculum within the Secrets study. 
  • Purchase one copy of the Secrets Savored Student Workbook per participant. Note: See drop-down labeled curriculum/shop on our website.
How can I recruit the Older women needed to implement this ministry to young women?
  • Begin asking older women in your sphere of influence to pray about being involved in the Secrets ministry. 
  • Offer an informational coffee or tea and invite the older women whom you sense might be an asset to the ministry. Invite a young woman to attend with you and share her desire to be discipled practically and spiritually by an older woman.
  • Visit small groups (Life Groups, Sunday School Classes, etc.) in your church, and share your desire to implement the Secrets ministry. Invite an older or younger woman to go with you and share her desire to be involved in the Secrets ministry.
How do we reach the young women?
  • Pray them in! If God has laid the desire on your heart to disciple young women using the Secrets curriculum, he will provide the young women. 
  • Ask God to place within the hearts of the young women a need for community with older women.
  • From a practical perspective, go where they are!
  • Place a Secrets flyer in the young married and nursery areas of your church and on your church’s website. Note: Flyer available on the website’s Resource page.
  • Place a post on Social Media announcing the registration for the Secrets class.
  • Place flyers on bulletin boards in local grocery stores, at the local YMCA, and at Mother’s Day Out programs.
  • To reach single and college age young women, place flyers on bulletin boards at local colleges, in the college and singles area of your church, at the local grocery stores, and workout facilities in your community.
    What tips would you give for having a successful Secrets ministry?
    • Begin with one or two small groups and establish each before adding any additional classes. Note: We begin two classes, a nighttime and a daytime class. 
    • View Secrets as an on-going ministry—not a program or short-term Bible study.
    • Use the curriculum books consecutively. There are four books of curriculum, covering four semesters.  
    • Follow the structure covered in the Leader Guide. Example: Meet weekly, have three to four older women for every group of eight to ten young women, etc. Note: In the Structure and Components sections of the Leader Guide, you will find a format that we have found to be successful.
    • Meet in a host home. A home creates a much more inviting atmosphere, a sense of community, and is less intimidating than meeting at a church. Young women love to be in the homes of the older women.  
    • Being perfect isn’t as important as being real. If you want to reach young women and have an impact on their lives, you must be real! They are not looking for perfection; in fact, perfection or the appearance of perfection will turn them away. 
    • This ministry is not about perfection, but women with a genuinely open and honest heart to disciple young women practically and spiritually.
    Do I have to love every aspect of homemaking or be a gourmet cook in order to be involved in the leadership of the Secrets ministry?
    • No. We are all gifted differently, and that is what makes this ministry work so beautifully. Each discipling leader brings something uniquely different to the table of ministry.
    • If you will make yourself available to the young women, God will use your gifts and life experiences to bless each one.
    Do young women really want to be around older women?

    Yes, young women absolutely do want to be around older godly women! Dianne wasn’t convinced of this until two things in particular happened to her. She shares these below: 

    1st: The first was a Women’s Leadership Conference, where the attendees were given the option of choosing several breakout sessions. “I selected a breakout on how to reach this younger generation. As a part of the session, a young woman was interviewed, and what she said changed my mind on the question of whether or not young women want to be around older women. She said, ‘First of all, we want to know if they (older Christian women) are real. They may go to church and even say they are Christians, but does their life reflect it? Do they give to the poor and sacrifice for the needs of others? Secondly, we want to be in their homes. We want to see how this Christian life is lived out. We want to see what a Christian home looks like.’ I left that breakout session convinced that God was onto something in placing the Secrets ministry in my heart. He used that session to confirm the great need and desire for this ministry in the lives of young women.”

    2nd: “The second thing God has used to convince me of the necessity of this ministry is the evidence of the changed lives of the young women who have participated since we began several years ago. God knows the needs of the young women of today. They desperately need godly role models; not perfect older women, but older women willing to disciple them practically and spiritually.”

    Contact Us


    Have questions? We have answers!

    Phone: 901-848-5422

    P.O. Box 2257
    Cordova, TN 38088-2257