I began the year, 2024, attending the funeral of my sister-in-law’s mother. Oddly enough, I began this year, 2025, attending the funeral of a friend’s father. At each one, it was an opportunity to reflect on my own life and just how short it truly is and how quickly it passes. As I looked at the photographs of my friend’s father’s life from birth to his later years, it was obvious that he loved the Lord and had invested well in his family, friends, and his church. He had seemingly lived a full and fruitful life. How amazing that with my observance of twenty to thirty photographs I could sum up this gentleman’s 91 years of life. I wondered what my own photographs would say to those who would one day attend my funeral?
This morning, as I was preparing for my quiet time, I reached into the basket next to my chair to secure an ink pen. As I did, I felt a piece of paper. I grasped the paper and in doing so, I realized that it was the program from my sister-in-law’s mother’s funeral service. I opened it and began to read through my notes that were scribbled here and there. As I read, it dawned on me that, in just one short service, her pastor, friends, and loved ones had given a beautiful summary of Jen Jen’s (as many fondly called her), life. My notes went something like this:
Pastor’s description of her: “Jen Jen was beautifully irreverent.” Meaning she had a good sense of humor and an honest spirit. You always knew where she stood on things.
He went on to say: “Jen Jen loved like Christ loved.” She loved everyone equally. Over the years, I observed this in her attitude toward others and in her giving spirit. She did not judge anyone’s sin, but loved the sinner, as Christ illustrated. I believe each and every Valentine’s Day, she sent hundreds of cards to those she loved and to those who might have felt forgotten had she not sent them a card.
The Pastor spoke from John 10 and Luke 15 on the Good Shepherd and the sheep: The Good Shepherd watched over the sheep and He sought after the lost sheep. Jen Jen’s life was reflective of seeking those who were lost or abandoned/rejected by society. She cared for others as Christ cares for His sheep.
It was said of her: “Jen Jen exhibited relentless love and joy.” Each of her grandchildren spoke that day and each one began with these words, “I was Jen Jen’s favorite.” Those words told me that she relentlessly loved each and every one of her grandchildren individually. For the rest of their lives, they will treasure the memory of the depth of her love toward them and the joy each one brought her.
Jen Jen’s favorite saying: “Do all you can, while you can, before you can’t!”
Why is it that we often neglect to consider the brevity and depth of life until we attend a funeral? Everyone who attended these two services was impacted by the lives of the ones being honored. My friend’s father and Jen Jen had loved as Jesus loved. They lived their lives to honor Christ. As you and I look to 2025, let us do so with Jen Jen’s words (and a few I added) in mind: “Do all you can for Christ and others, while you can, before you can’t!” What will your photographs say to those who will one day attend your funeral?
Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.
Ephesians 5:15-16 NIV