It’s been 37 years ago this August, but I can remember it like it was yesterday. Well, often I forget my yesterdays and struggle to remember what I did, but that day in 1976 I will never forget. Mark and I arrived at 6 a.m., in order to be induced. At the ripe ole age of 20, I was totally unaware of what was about to happen- both physically and emotionally! I was prepped and put in bed to await the arrival of our first child. No ultrasounds had been done, so we were going to be completely surprised as to what we were having- boy or girl? My doctor called in occasionally to check on me in the midst of his golf game, just to discover that I was progressing normally-in other words he had time to complete his game. At 2 p.m. he arrived and made the decision to break my water, after a small dose of a pain killing drug and an epidural. Once my water was broken, we were off to the races! The nurses had promised that the pain killing drug would wear off by the time I was ready to deliver in order that I would be fully aware of the delivery- they were right!
I will never forget that night. At 7:10 Angela Lynn made her debut. She was precious, cute and such a tiny little thing. Tears filled our eyes as we saw her for the first time. I can still remember the overwhelming love I felt for her. The staff whisked her off to the nursery and me to recovery. No lingering back then! Mark wanted to see her and hold her. He was so persistent that they allowed him to scrub and enter the nursery area to hold her while I was in recovery. Due to the violent shaking that followed the epidural it was a few hours before I was allowed to see her and hold her.
Never had I experienced such an unexpected overwhelming love, until September 7, 1981, when God gifted us with Kelly Ann.
I have been blessed to be present in the delivery room for all seven of our grandchildren and I was once again filled with that overwhelming love, I certainly know our daughters and their husbands were as well. Each child was very much their own little individual, each one a sweet and precious gift from the father.
I was reading this morning in John 4 about the Samaritan woman and how Jesus, tired and worn out from his journey, was there to meet her at the well. I was reminded that she came in the middle of the day, the very hottest time. This wasn’t an accident, she chose this time in order that she wouldn’t be mocked, criticized or judged for her chosen lifestyle of prostitution and promiscuity. She avoided those who judged her. Yet, the judge of the universe was there and speaks with her; asking her for water to drink. She is confused. This man, a Jew, speaks to her- a lowly prostitute and a Samaritan!
She had to have wondered what he was doing there at that time of day. She asked him why he had chosen to speak to her. His response was powerful; he wanted to offer her living water and change her life forever. He deals with her spiritual need- her thirst. Then we see that after he offers her living water- He addresses her lifestyle- her sin. Jesus was gentle with her as he deals with the life she had chosen. He reveals to her all the details of her life, how many husbands she had had and all about the life she was living.Nothing was hidden from him! Yet, in the midst of this sweet encounter, the judge becomes her Savior and she is changed forever. “I who speak to you am He.”
What an amazing love! At that moment, God eyes were filled with tears and an overwhelming love for this Samaritan woman filled His heart. He was consumed with an overwhelming love for this his newborn, reborn child!
At my quiet time chair this morning, God reminded me just how much He loves me- in spite of my choices, my failures and my sin- I was overwhelmed!
Father, thank you that You, the judge of the universe became my Savior. Thank you that you offered me living water and that by that water I am revived, renewed and refreshed! Thank you that in spite of myself, you love me with an overwhelming love!
“For whom the Lord loves He reproves, even as a father corrects the son in whom he delights.” Proverbs 3:12
“Help us, O God of our salvation, for the glory of your name; and deliver us and forgive our sins for Your name’s sake.”
Psalm 79:9
“For God so loved the world that he gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16
“But with everlasting-lovingkindness I will have compassion on you, says the Lord your Redeemer.” Isaiah 54:8