I’m certain you are very familiar with the Christmas song, “Santa Claus is Coming to Town.” In this familiar and fun old song we sing the words, “He’s making a list and checking it twice, going to find out whose naughty or nice, Santa Claus is coming to town.” The “list” part I could identify with!
One morning, several weeks prior to Christmas, I found myself sitting in my corner chair preparing to have my quiet time and surrounded by one to-do list after another. Our pastor from years ago recommended that before we sat down each morning to have our quiet time, we should write down all our to-do lists, enabling us to unload all that was on our mind, thus freeing us from distractions so we could hear from the Lord.
On that particular morning, I was a list making fool with much to unload. There was a list of meals to be prepared, a list of groceries to be purchased in order to prepare the meals, a list of gifts still to be purchased, a list of decorating yet to be done, a list of Christmas cards to be sent, a list of gifts in need of being wrapped, and on and on I could go. I was checking and re-checking my lists to the point that I was quickly becoming overwhelmed and quite distracted from the purpose for which I was in my corner chair- quiet time in the Word and with the Lord.
I envisioned my Heavenly father looking down and seeing all my to-do lists surrounding me and subtly pulling me away from the purpose for which I was sitting there that morning, to be with Him. At a time when I should have been focused on the celebration of Christ’s birth and God’s word which daily draws me closer to the Him, my attention was on all the lists before me. Unfortunately, at that point the focus of my Christmas celebration could have been summed up in a pile of to-do lists and the stress each was causing me!
I am now on the other side of my Christmas to-do lists and wondering if I truly celebrated the birth of my Savior in a way that was honoring to Him or did I allow the stress of all the things I thought I “had to do” keep me from truly celebrating? With an entire year ahead of me, I am wondering if I live every day as if it were a few weeks prior to Christmas, with to-do lists and numerous distractions keeping me from my quiet time with the Father; checking them once and then checking them twice. Oh, how my heart desires to be focused on the Word and the author of the Word, as I meet with Him, each and every morning in my corner chair this coming year!
Father, You created me and you know I am a Martha with a Mary heart. I am a “doer” with a heart to know You and Your word in a deeper way. How easily I fall into the world of lists and busyness. My to-do lists sometimes define me and control me. Forgive me for being so easily drawn away from You. Help me to daily desire to meet with You, hear from You and focus in on You, not on what I think I must do.
And Jesus answered and said to her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things. But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her.” Luke 10:41-42
“Be still and know that I am God.” Psalm 46:10